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Day 5

28th May 2021

The stats

Weight: 19st

Blood glucose

Time Glucose in mmol/L
Previous night 8.3
Fasting 6.5
Breakfast + 2hr 7.7
Lunch + 2hr 7.3
Dinner + 2hr 8.3
Pre-bed 7.1

What I ate

Shakes: Strawberry, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Mint
Vegetables: 310g mixed vedge

Refer to Shakes for notes on each meal replacement shake.


The problem with logging stats every day is you get days like today, where you appear to gain weight. I've stuck to the diet perfectly, and there are a few possible explanations: I ate my vedge fairly late last night, weight can vary depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, I felt a bit dehydrated this morning so maybe retaining water a little? But of course it's still a bit depressing to see! This is why normal diet advice is to weigh weekly.

Today, instead of having the vedge as a fourth meal/evening snack, I had it with the third shake. I'm hoping this will make my evening numbers come down a bit.

This has been a craving-heavy day. I think I need a nice motivating tracker to tick off the days!